In the latest episode of “Talks With Teads,” broadcast from the lively New York Auto Show, Natalie Bastian, the Global CMO of Teads, engages in a deep dive discussion with Henner Blömer, our global auto lead who joined us all the way from Germany. This episode was particularly special as it was recorded right above the Media Post Auto Summit, where the brightest minds in automotive marketing shared their cutting-edge strategies and insights.

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Key Topics Explored:

Global Automotive Insights and Brand Loyalty Henner Blömer, who brings a unique European perspective to the discussion, talks about the comprehensive auto study conducted across 17 markets with 6,000 consumers. This research investigates how consumer behaviors are shaping up in the new omnichannel world. “We are seeing a shift where brand loyalty is at an all-time low, with 82% of auto intenders open to switching brands,” Henner reveals. This points to a dynamic shift in consumer loyalty and the crucial need for brands to adapt and respond proactively to these changes.

The Shift Towards Electric Vehicles (EVs) Electric Vehicles were a central theme, echoing the global trend towards more sustainable automotive solutions. Henner discusses the market’s transformation towards EVs, emphasizing the need for brands to adapt their offerings and messaging. “Our study shows 42% of consumers are looking to move away from combustion engines to EVs,” he notes, underscoring the urgency for comprehensive support infrastructures that facilitate this transition.

The Role of Digital in Automotive Marketing The discussion then shifts to the role of digital marketing in shaping consumer decisions. Henner emphasizes the shrinking window for consumer decisions in the automotive sector, with a significant portion of buyers now willing to choose a vehicle in less than two weeks. “Digital channels are crucial in capturing consumer interest in this narrow window,” he states, highlighting the importance of ‘always-on’ digital strategies and performance marketing to maintain brand relevance and customer engagement.

The Future of Automotive Marketing Concluding the conversation, Henner shares his insights on the evolving automotive market, including the entry of new brands and the shift to EVs. He discusses how established brands need to innovate not just in products but also in customer experience and digital engagement to stay competitive.

To learn more about how auto consumers shop today, download our Shifting Gears study.


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