March 8, 2024

Spotlight on Sustainability: Benjamin Davy Decodes Digital Advertising’s Footprint on IAB Europe’s Podcast

In the latest Digital Dawn podcast, Teads’ Sustainability Director, Benjamin Davy, discusses with Dimitris Beis, Data Analyst & Sustainability Manager at IAB Europe, the intricate world of carbon emissions in digital advertising.

The conversation navigates through the challenges of accurately estimating emissions within the industry, shedding light on what estimates can be meaningfully used for and why corporate emission reporting is so important.

Tune in as they unravel the complexities and highlight the urgency of addressing the carbon footprint of digital advertising:

Key topics covered:

  • Data challenges: Benjamin talks about how limited primary data on the physical components makes it challenging to evaluate the ecological impact of digital advertising with the same level of accuracy as some other industries do. He also highlights the problem of comparing different channels due to the specifics of their infrastructure and logistics.
  • Estimating emissions for digital ads: As Teads has recently integrated a campaign carbon evaluation solution from Scope3 into Teads Ad Manager, Benjamin Davy shares some insights into the major challenges of estimating emissions for digital advertising and how these can be addressed.
  • Possible impacts of cookie deprecation on environmental performance: In light of the fundamental changes to the way the advertising market operates, the conversation unveiled some of the potential effects of cookie deprecation on the digital carbon footprint.

Interested in learning more about carbon footprint measurement in digital advertising? Contact us!



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